Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another weekend gone by...another valentines day gone by.....

As every weekend approaches..the same thing crosses my mind..."Oh! this weekend we are free!!!." But by Sunday night I start to wonder..How on earth did the 2 days pass by so quickly.  Unlike usual weekends, this weekend we had an agenda. We had to get couple of things done like renewing my husbands drivers license etc.  And so I started my Saturday morning rituals :
1) Have my cup of coffee
2) Browse
3) Browse
4) Browse
5) Not Browse but call my sister and chat (this chat would usually range anywhere from 2 mins to 1.5 hours)
So I guess that explains my saturday mornings. And yes I forgot to mention my N number of visits to the bedroom attempting to wake my husband up:)
Thanks to Presidents Day (whatever that means), the darn DMV was closed. One item off our agenda we go gift buying for  couple of occassions coming up. Then a bulb lights up in my husbands head and he mentions going out for dinner since its Valentines Day. We thought of trying a different place and head to a nice Meditterean restuarant. Hungry and literally seeing kabobs in my eyes...we find out that the Valentines Dinner special was $45 a plate. What amazed me was that the parking lot was full. Whatever happened to the recession???? We backed up and then stumbled upon a Thai resturant. It was really good. The food was good and we even got free dessert:) To end the day perfectly we watched Gran Torino. Definitely a good movie

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